00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Hilltop Counseling Presents
An experiential therapy event for couples looking to rekindle, reengage and strengthen their relationship
July 22-25 2020 MOAB UTAH
"Bring back the butterflies of when you first met your partner."
This Event Will Change Your Relationship Forever
If you feel that your relationship is stagnant, dying or in need of a jump start this event is for you. We will show you how to save and rekindle your relationship.

What To Expect 

  • The Foundation:  How to build a solid foundation for a long term successful marriage
  • Proven Tactics: You will learn what it takes to have a happy and sustainable marriage
  • The Experience: We dive into creating an emotional and personal connection unlike any kind of therapy available today. This happens by getting out of your comfort zone and into some of the worlds most beautiful outdoor landscapes
  • Smile Again:  At this event we will show you the specific things needed to help you bring the fun back to being married
  • Connections: You will connect with other like minded people and form friendships that will last a lifetime.
  • How Our Actions Impact Our Spouse: Understanding of how our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors influence each other

Join us for a special therapeutic couples' retreat
Expertly guided on a 4 day, 3 night river trip through Cataract Canyon
About the Team

Not Just Your Average Therapist

 I believe what human intuition teaches us - that when you feel connected, heard, and valued then you find the strength to live your fullest life and make the changes necessary to achieve your goals. I am the luckiest counselor in the world because I get to wake up each day and do what I was born to do - to connect with people. This helps my clients to discover what they stand for and what gives them meaning in life.



Therapist Wifey and Event Coordinator

I am a great supporter of my husband and all he does.  I'm a mom of four awesome kids.  I'm a dreamer and a creator.  I love what I get to do because I get to help others do and be their best by creating amazing events that have the opportunity of affecting others in their relationships for good.  I have a degree in Recreation Therapy and a master's degree in School Psychology and I am passionate about helping others. I enjoy quiet moments, challenging myself in CrossFit, and avoiding chores at home by getting outside and exploring amazing southern Utah.

Topics We Will Cover
  • The Power of Motive
  • Signs of a Dying Relationship and What You Can do to Prevent it From Happening
  • Principles of Making Relationships Work
  • ​True Intimacy and Healthy Sexuality
  • ​Living Authentically in Any Relationship 
Things Included in This Experience...
* Lodging for you and your spouse 3 days & 4 nights

* All Inclusive Food and Beverage

* Customized River Experience 

* 30 Min Pre Event Couples Virtual Therapy Session

* 30 Min Post Event Couples Virtual Therapy Session

* Specialized Workbook &  Curriculum 

* Hikes & Other Activities 

* Special Event T-Shirt

* Experience of a Lifetime
Join us for a special therapeutic couples' retreat
Expertly guided on a 4 day, 3 night river trip through Cataract Canyon
The River & Your Experience
July 22-25 2020 MOAB UTAH
A shift in one’s perspective is generally best achieved through experience, not through a lecture or neatly packaged information session. When people are focused on an activity, rather than the idea of therapeutic participation, they let down their guard. This permits them to react authentically to prompts and reflect more clearly on their concerns.

Deep in the heart of Canyonlands National Park, the Green and Colorado Rivers combine forces to carve stunning canyon walls and create some of the biggest whitewater in North America. With no dams upstream, unregulated spring runoff can cause water levels to swell to epic proportions.

But before and after the turbulent rapid section, easy flatwater stretches provide ample time for relaxing, taking in the views and connecting with the other couples on the trip. Colorful canyon walls tower high above the river, closing out the rest of the world while opening up to expansive heights. Engaging hikes will take you to fascinating rock art left by Native Americans, plunging pools and waterfalls cascading down a side canyon, and up and over a ridge to meet the river on the other side.

Things wind down as the river enters the calm waters of Lake Powell on the last day.  Attendees use this time to reflect on their experience and connect before the trip is over.

Some Things You Probably Want to Know

Can I drive to Moab myself?

Yes, but it will be your responsibility to meet with the check in teams prior and post event.  If you are coming from areas north of I-70 in Utah you will probably want to save time and drive to Moab yourself.  If you are coming from southern Utah or flying into Las Vegas we have a vehicle that will take us to Moab from St. George together.  Please let us know your plans for getting to Moab at the time of registration.  The trip will end at Lake Powell and if you are transporting yourself to Moab, it will be your responsibility to either pay for your car to be transported to the end destination or get back to Moab via flight.  Flying across the winding path of the river (which is an amazing ending to a great trip) is an extra $125 per person.  Having your car transported to the take out point is an extra $100 per car. 

What do I need to bring?

We will be providing a detailed list of everything you will need once registered. Don’t worry - we have done this before and are trained professionals.

Do I need River Experience to Attend?

Not at all. Our partners and team have decades of experience and assure you are in good hands. From the experienced outdoors person to the first timer - we’ve got ya covered.

Is it Safe?

Extremely so. We have partnered with some of the best river guides on the planet. As for therapy and the things we will be covering - our team has over a decade of experience working with advanced models that maximize results.

What Outdoor Activities Are There?

When we are not on the river, we have a series of hikes, camping, eating and group activities planned. We have a full schedule from sun up to down.

What Relationship Topics Will Be Covered?

Relationships are tricky. With the right tools and understanding they don’t have to be. We will be diving into tactics that cover everything from intimacy to understanding what makes a relationship last.

What Will We Be Eating?

You’ll be more than surprised and delighted with the tasty entrees and sumptuous desserts our teams have in store. We use a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, cheese, and breads to provide a varied and well-rounded menu. If you have allergies or other special dietary needs, please let us know AT THE TIME OF RESERVATION. We will do our best to accommodate you.

Will We Be Getting Off the River?

Yes, we have many activities that have us in and out of the water over the duration of the event.

Can We Bring Cameras?

We encourage you to bring a camera to record your river adventure. Before your trip, stash it in two zip-lock bags and then put it in a small dry bag borrowed from our office. We can’t guarantee it will be water-tight in every situation, but this has proved a good option for easy access and storage.

How does the current pandemic effect things?


Participants must be in good health and free from coronavirus symptoms (shortness of breath, fever, cough, chills, muscle pain) for at least 2 weeks before the event in order to participate.  Participants will be able to receive a full refund if they are not able to attend due to coronavirus symptoms.  Because we have no way of knowing if you are cancelling due to coronavirus we will make cancellations based on the honor system.  Staff and therapists scheduled to attend the trip will follow the same guidelines.  If a therapist cannot come due to illness a replacement therapist will be found who understands and implements the same principles that are going to be implemented during the trip.


Currently Utah is in a "yellow" phase of reintegration of "normal" life.  This means that groups of 20-50 are allowed to gather with social distancing measures in place.  While on the river trip you will be in close proximity of others simply due to the nature of the event.  We will be outside breathing wonderful fresh air and stay in the group with little to no contact with other groups.  Our partner river company will make sure all equipment are well cleaned and staff use sanitary measures when cooking food.

* For all information or questions regarding COVID19, please refer to https://www.cdc.gov